What is Digital Interactivity?

One of Mount Vernon’s ethos statements are that classes must be interactive and flexible. Our team has been considering what does this mean for the future of presentation means? We have had the opportunity to test a new piece of tech from Boxlight. I like…...

Design Thinking In Action

At Mount Vernon we want to put people at the center of our problem solving. This is why we are so heavily invested into the idea of creating design thinkers. Below is an album I am curating of Design Thinking In Action on our Upper School campus. For more information...

Blow Up The First Day

The first day of class is always interesting. For the student, it’s the awkward feeling of new faces and wondering if this class is going to stick in my schedule. The teacher is faced with the decision to jump right into content, to sell their class, or to get...

Salt of the Earth – Live Fully

Salt of the Earth – Matthew 5:13 “You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.” When Jesus calls his followers the “salt of the earth,”...